HomeLibraryMaritime InjuriesNew OSHA Guidelines May Reduce Shipyard Injuries

New OSHA Guidelines May Reduce Shipyard Injuries

Shipyards are among the most dangerous of maritime work environments.  Learn about new federal guidelines that may reduce shipyard injuries.Shipyards are dangerous workplaces.  Employees are at risk of injury from burns, electrocution, falls and other hazards. In fact, while construction is considered a dangerous industry, shipyard workers have more than twice the risk of injury as general construction workers.  One reason shipyard work is so dangerous is rigging work.  Rigging work refers to the use of cables and ropes to secure sections of ships and ship parts before they are moved with hoists and cranes. When loads are not rigged correctly, accidents can occur, including the dropping of heavy loads on shipyard employees. Ship yard workers are also in danger of trips and falls, vehicle accidents, burn and electrocution.On May 2, 2011, the Occupational Safety and Health Administration (OSHA), published new rules that may help protect shipyard workers from rigging accidents and other dangers.  These guidelines are an update to the shipyard safety standards that were originally published in 1972 and may save as many as 350 lives each year.The new safety regulations address more than 14 categories of workplace safety that affect shipyard workers.  The new rules include lighting standards, seat belt regulations and even a requirement for the number of trained first aid providers in the ship yard.

Employers of shipyard workers have a responsibility to provide a safe workplace.  The maritime injury attorneys at The Young Firm hope that our New Orleans ship yard owners follow the new guidelines and correct unsafe conditions in order to prevent future accidents.

If you have been injured while working in a New Orleans or Texas shipyard, you may be eligible for compensation under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA) .  You can learn more about your rights in our article:  “Shipyard Workers May Choose Their Own Doctor: Learn About Your Rights Under The Longshore And Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act.”

If you need help or have questions about your LHWCA claim , contact The Young Firm at 504-680-4100 and ask to schedule a free consultation with a maritime injury attorney.  For more information about your rights, request a free copy of our book Employee’s Guide to Maritime Injury Law.

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