HomeMaritime Law

Frequently Asked Questions

Claim Process

  • How are Jones Act settlements paid?

    Employers or their insurance companies are the parties responsible for paying a Jones Act settlement to an injured seaman. Often after reaching a settlement, workers will be able to choose either annuity payments or a lump sum payment. Awaiting a Jones Act Claim Settlement Jones Act claims are based on… Read More

  • Will My Employer Obtain Videotaped Surveillance of Me During My Jones Act Maritime Claim?

    Many injured maritime workers want to know whether or not their employer will try to obtain tape surveillance of them during their maritime injury claim. If you have been injured and are filing a claim under the jurisdiction of Maritime Laws, surveillance or other “spy” tactics may be… Read More

  • How Long Does it Take for Maritime Cases to Settle?

    This depends on where your claim is filed and the type of claim you have, but generally, claims take about 9 months to maybe a year or longer.  It is important to remember that your claim may be resolved in as little as 4 to 6 months once the… Read More


  • How are damages calculated for a Jones Act Claim?

    You face unique challenges in seeking fair compensation when you’re injured at sea or during any maritime work. The Jones Act protects seamen like you, allowing you to file claims against your employer if negligence contributed to your injury. Damages in a Jones Act claim cover much more than just… Read More

  • How Much is My Personal Injury Case Worth?

    If you’re wondering how much your personal injury case is worth, you’ve come to the right place. There are a few basic, important factors that generally determine the difference between a relatively small valued case and a higher valued case. How Much is My… Read More

Maintenance & Cure

  • I am receiving maintenance and cure. Can I apply for unemployment too?

    If you are an injured seaman and are now receiving maintenance and cure, you may be able to collect unemployment if you are no longer employed. If you are still employed, you cannot file for unemployment. But even if you are eligible to file for unemployment benefits, doing so… Read More

  • How is maintenance defined in an injury that occurs offshore?

    Maintenance is part of your rights in a settlement for an injury claim under maritime or admiralty law. Attorney services that handle these types of claims will help you argue your rights to compensation when you’re seriously injured while working in a maritime occupation, such as during commercial diving accidents. Maintenance… Read More

Maritime Laws

  • What is the Merchant Marine Act of 1920?

    The Merchant Marine Act of 1920, more commonly known as the Jones Act, is a law the U.S. Congress passed to protect maritime workers such as fisherman, offshore oil rig employees and shipping industry crew members. It was named for Sen. Wesley R. Jones, the act’s sponsor. The Jones… Read More

  • What is the difference between Jones Act and Maritime Law?

    Most people who have suffered injuries while on the job can turn to Workers’ Compensation to help pay for any medical expenses and lost wages. But if you’re a seaman, the rules are different, and you may benefit by seeking the help of a Jones Act attorney. Employees who… Read More

  • What does the Jones Act cover?

    The Jones Act is part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. The law covers a wide range of maritime issues, but specifically, the Jones Act covers the safety of workers at sea and protects their rights if they are injured. Jones Act provisions are also designed to ensure… Read More

Medical Treatment

  • Do I need to file a claim before seeking medical treatment?

    No, you do not need to file a claim before seeking medical treatment. Your first priority is always your health. If injured on the job, take care of your medical needs immediately; filing a Jones Act claim or other maritime claim post-treatment does not bar you from eligibility for benefits. Read More

Paying Your Bills

  • How will you pay your bills after a maritime accident?

    If your career involves being on the water, you know there’s always a risk for serious incidents to take place. But you may not be aware of your options in case you do need to file a maritime accident claim. The reality is that there are several avenues designed to… Read More

Returning To Work

  • Will Your Job Be Safe After a Maritime Injury?

    If you suffer a maritime injury at work on the water (including on a tugboat, barge, vessel, or oil rig), one of the questions you’ll probably have is, does my company have to keep me employed? DOES YOUR COMPANY HAVE TO KEEP YOUR JOB… Read More

  • Should my husband return to work after an injury?

    Your husband should return to work after maritime injury only if he can resume his work-related duties at full capacity. Returning to work too soon may jeopardize his right to recover fair compensation permanently in an injury claim. This is true even if your husband later discovers his injuries… Read More