Injured dock workers are protected by the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act (LHWCA). It provides compensation for lost wages, permanent impairment, medical expenses, vocational rehabilitation and more.
Overview of the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act
This act covers workers in maritime occupations, such as harbor or dock workers, ship repairers, ship builders and shipbreakers.
Injuries that occur in a terminal, pier or dock can lead to compensation through this act. For instance, generally two-thirds of the worker’s average weekly wage may be compensated as the worker recovers. If unable to return to work, compensation may cover earning potential.
Medical benefits also may be covered under the Longshore and Harbor Workers’ Compensation Act. This could include rehabilitation and other medical services.
If a dock worker or another covered employee was killed, death benefits may be available to the family. This could include reasonable funeral expenses. Surviving spouses may be entitled to partial wage compensation.
Legal Help from a New Orleans Maritime Lawyer
Injured workers may be able to file claim under Section 905(b) of the Longshore Act, which allows for a lawsuit against a negligent third party. Typically, this is brought against an employer whose negligence leads to an injury.
If you were injured and would like to file a claim, seek advice from a lawyer at The Young Firm. You also should take advantage of our free injury guide. We will take the time to review the details of your injuries carefully and explain the rights of dock workers.