HomeMaritime Law BlogMaritime Injuries7 Meditation Tips to Protect the Mental Health of Maritime Workers at Sea

7 Meditation Tips to Protect the Mental Health of Maritime Workers at Sea

As an employee in the maritime industry, you may have to spend long stretches at sea. To protect your mental health and well-being, you may want to try meditation.

Below is a list of 7 tips on meditation to get you started: 

  • find at least 20 minutes of free time: try to find a quiet area free of distractions;
  • get comfortable: many people use the lotus position, sitting Indian style, or if you prefer, you can sit in a chair;
  • be at ease: allow your mind and body to settle;
  • center your attention on one thing: this thing could be your breathing, a mental image, a mantra or a calming sound which you can repeat in your mind or out loud;
  • stay focused: if your mind wanders, gently shift your focus back to the one thing you chose to center on;
  • when it’s time to stop, do so gently: don’t just get up and walk away, make a smooth transition back to your normal activities; and
  • repeat as often as necessary: meditation is most helpful when it’s done regularly, like once every other day for a minimum of 20 minutes may be sufficient.

It’s tough earning a living in the maritime industry. You owe it to yourself to protect your wellbeing. If you’re ever injured on the job, you may benefit by consulting a Jones Act attorney in Louisiana at The Young Firm, which handles cases nationally.

Contact a Jones Act Attorney in Louisiana

The Jones Act law provides you with certain protections your employer may not want you to know about. A Jones Act attorney from The Young Firm in New Orleans, Louisiana, can help you if you have suffered boating accident injuries, an offshore accident or other injuries that fall under maritime law. Though we are based in Louisiana, we are ready and able to help injured victims throughout the U.S. Order our free Maritime Injury Law guide and/or our guide to what to do when you are injured offshore to learn all about your rights as an injured worker.

When you are ready to get started with your Jones Act injury case, we urge you to contact us today for a FREE case evaluation – call toll-free at 504-680-4100.

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