HomeFAQsJones ActWhat does the Jones Act cover?

What does the Jones Act cover?

Slippery shipping vessel deckThe Jones Act is part of the Merchant Marine Act of 1920. The law covers a wide range of maritime issues, but specifically, the Jones Act covers the safety of workers at sea and protects their rights if they are injured. Jones Act provisions are also designed to ensure that workers are in a safe environment and that they have the proper training to do their jobs on board.

Workers on land have the benefit of Workers’ Compensation if they’re injured, and the Jones Act essentially works the same way. When a maritime worker suffers an injury, the Jones Act ensures that the victim has the right to receive compensation for his medical care. The worker also has the right to sue his employer if negligence played a role in the accident.

Awards from lawsuits stemming from Jones Act claims generally come from the insurance carried by the employer. The victim can also receive awards for lost wages and pain and suffering resulting from his or her injury. Jones Act compensation also includes two unique forms of compensation known as maintenance and cure.

Maintenance is the funds a maritime worker will need to continue to live while he or she is unable to return to duty on a vessel. Cure compensation refers to the money spent on “curing” the individual of his or her injuries. A New Orleans Jones Act attorney can explain how those types of compensation factor into a Jones Act claim.

Occasionally, a worker can receive maintenance and cure compensation right after the injury. In other cases, a lawyer may have to lump this amount in with a larger Jones Act Claim.

A New Orleans Jones Act Attorney Can Answer Your Questions 

The Young Firm in New Orleans is well qualified to answer your questions about the Jones Act. Order your free maritime injury law guide and our book about what to do if you’re injured offshore and call 1-504-680-4100 to talk to someone who understands Jones Act cases.

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