HomeMaritime Law BlogMaritime LawMaritime Safety: Understanding American Petroleum Institute (API) Regulations

Maritime Safety: Understanding American Petroleum Institute (API) Regulations

As a maritime worker, you are covered by multiple organizations under the Jones Act. In addition to the Occupational Safety & Health Administration and the Coast Guard, consider the American Petroleum Institute (API). This organization’s standards apply to operating procedures involving offshore cranes and the rigging of cranes as well as slings.

According to API rules, the crane’s operator is always the person in charge of all maneuvers performed by the crane. This person, who is responsible for all rigging, must also have a flagman on the premises during all lifts.

If your injuries can be attributed to the lack of a flagman or any other maritime safety violations, you may have a legitimate case worth pursuing. You should promptly report the injury to your supervisor, seek immediate medical attention and follow all of your doctor’s orders.

An attorney can help by:

  • gathering evidence;
  • preparing legal documentation; and
  • negotiating with your employer and insurers to help you obtain the compensation you need and deserve.

Contact a New Orleans-Based Jones Act Attorney

Attorney Timothy Young in Louisiana understands that maritime law provides you with certain protections your employer may not want you to know about. The maritime law firm in New Orleans, The Young Firm, can help you if you have suffered boating accident injuries, an offshore accident or other injuries that fall under maritime law or the Jones Act.

Though we are based in Louisiana, we are ready and able to help injured victims throughout the U.S. Order our free Maritime Injury Law guide and/or our guide to what to do when you are injured offshore to learn all about your rights as an injured worker.

If you have been seriously injured as a result of maritime safety violations, understand that you have rights that should not be ignored. To get a thorough understanding of everything that you may be entitled to, speak with a New Orleans based Jones Act attorney. When you are ready to get started with your Jones Act injury case, we urge you to contact us today for a FREE case evaluation – call 504-680-4100.

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