If maritime professional training is lacking, it can put a vessel’s crew in danger. Under the Jones Act, maritime workers are entitled to a safe and risk-free work environment. An employer’s failure to provide an adequately trained crew can be considered a violation and the employing entity could be held liable if an employee is injured as a result.
Jones Act claims can be highly complicated. If you suffered an injury because you, a co-worker, or the crew in general lacked the proper maritime professional training, speak to a Louisiana maritime injury attorney at The Young Firm to discuss whether filing a claim for damages is warranted.
Types of Possible Injuries
When there is a lack of maritime professional training on a vessel, all workers on board may be at greater risk for dangerous and life-threatening injuries. You don’t deserve to suffer a life-threatening injury because your coworker wasn’t properly trained by your boss.
Injuries can stem for all sorts of incidents and errors, including:
The injuries suffered from these types of incidents can include everything from broken bones, neck injuries and severe burns to brain injuries, paralysis and even death. Part of the effort to ensure that all maritime workers are safe is providing the vessel with a well-trained, qualified crew.
If you were injured because of improperly or inadequately trained crewmembers, you could have grounds for a claim.
Seeking Help from a Maritime Injury Attorney in Louisiana
Did a lack of maritime professional training lead to you be injured on the job? Under the Jones Act, your employer is required to provide you a safe workplace, and the failure to provide an adequately trained crew could constitute negligence.
In order to sue under the Jones Act, you must demonstrate that your injury is related to your employer’s negligence. So if improper use of equipment by a crew member led to your injury, you may be required to demonstrate that the employer did not ensure that the crew member was properly trained.
If you were hurt while working a maritime job, call 504-680-4100 to speak a Louisiana maritime injury attorney at The Young Firm about your case. See our free online guide, and make an appointment for consultation to learn about filing a claim based on inadequate maritime professional training.